Done for You. Done with You.

Book a Free Strategy Session Today!

Our Proven AI-Powered Voice Agent consistently

Books More Calls with Qualified Leads, on AutoPilot.

Grow your business while focusing on what you do best - providing Top-Tier service to your clients.

This Call is for Real Estate Professionals who:

  • Want to Future-Proof their business with AI

  • Take 20+ Calls per week

  • Want to grow their business with viable solutions

This Call is NOT for Real Estate Professionals who:

  • Are just starting their business

  • Are looking for cheap lead lists

  • Have no lead flow

Scale your Real Estate Business with

Guaranteed Speed to Lead

78% of homebuyers go with the agent that answers first.

-Lead Connect

Let's talk about how Fasterise can help your business scale.

Done for You. Done with You.

Book a Free Strategy Session Today!

Our Proven AI-Powered Voice Agent consistently

Books More Calls with Qualified Leads, on AutoPilot.

Grow your business while focusing on what you do best - providing Top-Tier service to your clients.

This Call is for Real Estate Professionals who:

Want to Future-Proof their business with AI

Take 20+ Calls per week

Want to grow their business with viable solutions

This Call is NOT for Real Estate Professionals who:

Are just starting their business

Are looking for cheap lead lists

Have no lead flow

Speed to Lead

Speed matters. If you're not the first, you're last.

  • Be the first to book a call

  • Convert New Leads FASTER

  • Book Appointments on AutoPilot

Saya Voice replaces your voicemail with an intelligent voice agent that answers incoming calls when you're busy and books appointments with qualified leads.

Never Miss a Lead Again

Keep crushing your daily grind. Between the meetings, showings, and coffee shops, Saya Voice ensures nothing slips through the cracks.

  • No more leads stuck in your voicemail

  • Missed calls = Booked Appointments

  • Qualify new Leads while you're closing other ones

Stop wasting time sifting through voicemails and window shoppers. You've got better things to do. Saya Voice qualifies new leads and books calls based on your availability.

Be Present without FOMO.

The human element (in work and life) is non-negotiable. Stay fully present with the confidence that your missed calls are now your most powerful asset.

  • Give your full attention to your clients (and your family)

  • Spend time with qualified leads, not window shoppers

  • Provide optimal customer service, even when you're unavailable.

Time is your most precious resource. Strike the optimal life-work balance without giving up sales. Saya Voice answers general questions relevant to your services so you can take care of your clients, even when you're away.

Scale your Real Estate Business with

Guaranteed Speed to Lead

78% of homebuyers go with the agent that answers first.

-Lead Connect

Let's talk about how Fasterise can help your business scale.

SayaVoice Logo

Speed to Lead

Speed matters. If you're not the first (to book a meeting with new leads) you're last.

  • Be the first to book a call

  • Convert New Leads FASTER

  • Book Appointments directly to your calendar

Saya Voice replaces your voicemail with an intelligent voice agent that answers incoming calls when you're busy and books appointments with qualified leads.

Never Miss a Lead Again

Keep crushing your daily grind. Between the meetings, showings, and coffee shops, Saya Voice ensures nothing slips through the cracks.

  • No more leads stuck in your voicemail

  • Missed calls = Booked Appointments

  • Qualify new Leads while you're closing other ones

Stop wasting time sifting through voicemails and window shoppers. You've got better things to do. Saya Voice qualifies new leads and books calls based on your availability.

Be Present without FOMO.

The human element (in work and life) is non-negotiable. Stay fully present with the confidence that your missed calls are now your most powerful asset.

  • Give your full attention to your clients (and your family)

  • Spend time with qualified leads, not window shoppers

  • Provide optimal customer service, even when you're unavailable.

Time is your most precious resource. Strike the optimal life-work balance without giving up sales. Saya Voice answers general questions relevant to your services so you can take care of your clients, even when you're away.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Saya Voice?

Saya Voice is an advanced AI-powered voice assistant that helps manage your phone calls by converting missed calls into booked appointments, qualifying leads based on predefined questions, and handling general queries and appointment bookings for interested buyers.

How does Saya Voice convert missed calls into appointments?

When you're unable to answer a call, instead of going to voicemail, Saya Voice answers and gathers relevant information through a series of screening questions, and schedules an appointment based on your availability. This ensures no potential lead is missed and your schedule stays organized.

Can Saya Voice handle multiple types of queries?

Yes, Saya Voice is equipped to handle a variety of queries, from general information requests to specific appointment bookings and more details about the services you provide. Saya is programmed with a customized knowledge base specific to you and your business to provide accurate and relevant responses.

What happens if Saya Voice can't answer a caller's question?

If Saya Voice encounters a question it cannot answer, it can be programmed to escalate the call to a human agent or take a message for follow-up. This ensures that all inquiries are addressed promptly and accurately.

How does Saya Voice work with my current phone system?

Saya Voice seamlessly integrates with your current phone system. It can be set up with call forwarding or with a new number specific to your Saya, ensuring that all missed calls and inquiries are managed efficiently without disrupting your existing workflow.

How does Saya Voice qualify leads?

Saya Voice uses a set of predefined screening questions tailored to your business needs to evaluate and qualify leads. This ensures that only the most promising leads are booked for further follow-up.

Can I customize the questions Saya Voice asks to my callers?

Yes, you can customize the screening questions and responses Saya Voice uses to interact with callers. This customization ensures that Saya Voice aligns perfectly with your business processes and information needs.

How do I get started with Saya Voice?

Getting started with Saya Voice is simple. Sign up for early access to set up an initial consultation with us. We will discuss your specific needs and customize Saya Voice to best suit your business. After setup, Saya Voice will be integrated into your phone system, and you'll start seeing the benefits immediately.

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+1 646-863-4372